(…) However, the essence of Tracey Emin’s work is it’s liberation from style and form what we call good design. (…) her oeuvre is basically uncontrolled and lachrymose and fickle and coquettish and driven by an immoderate, female sentiment which, by it’s very immoderation and the absence of any shame, is painful or humiliating to see or to experience in our world. By ridding herself of style, Tracey Emin has been able to penetrate into a realm of harrowing sentiment that has never been opened before in art.
(…) when a woman displays herself in the nude, it is not voyeurism but disarming candour. The intimacy can be further explored. The art o Tracey Emin is efficient and tasteless and beyond the control of style (…).
Rudi Fuchs, Sept. 2002
In Ten Years Tracey Emin
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
S M A Cahiers
Tracey Emin is a professor of confessional art at the European Graduate School - Biografia
influências: Edvard Munch, Egon Schiele
poesia: Christina Rossetti - * The Thread of Life
link para alguns trabalhos de Tracey Emin:
Do you fancy a fuck?
Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963-95 (interior) (exterior)
Exorcism of the last painting I ever made #1 #2 #3
The Last Thing I Said to You was Don't Leave Me Here II
http://www.tracey-emin.co.uk/tracey-emin-home.html (obrigada pelo link, CSA ;) )
música à laia de dedicatória a Tracey Emin
pretty trees, Sandy Dillon in electric chair