la caisse du mouton
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

[ longevidade ] [ memória ]

(2ª feira é habitualmente o dia mais longo, ontem confirmou-se, chave na porta às 23horas, prato de sopa à frente da t.v., adormeço sentada, acordo com a voz atordoada do guia. Silêncio.
São 01h30m quando acaba, o corpo não se move. Começa a cantar Zeca Afonso, no coliseu. Silêncio.
Encolhe-se, sem íntimo, o corpo rendido à estranheza de ser. Lapsos. Silêncio.)

Global Days for Darfur
Events from April 23rd-30th

Time is running out for the people of Darfur. Four years of genocidal violence has left over 400,000 dead, 2.5 million innocent civilians displaced, and 4 million men, women, and children completely reliant on international aid for survival. Not since the Rwandan genocide of 1994 has the world seen such a calculated campaign of displacement, starvation, rape, and mass slaughter.

To call attention to the escalating violence and the continued failure of the international community to adequately respond to this crisis, activists across the world have come together to plan Global Days for Darfur". This week of rallies, marches and vigils will run from April 23rd to April 30th and will highlight that "time is running out" for the people of Darfur.

Please support your fellow activists in speaking out for the people of Darfur by joining an event in your area. If there are currently no activities planned in your community, we hope you will consider starting your own event during this important week. has a post called "Generate Press Coverage" that's worth checking out...

I'm sandra aka margarete ~

Uma árvore é uma obra de arte quando recriada em si mesma como conceito para ser metáfora.

Alberto Carneiro